Sunday, August 22, 2010

How many times does it happen that the fine line between right and wrong seems to fade out? Well, I’m face-to-face with a grey area now. Although I know it is “conventionally” wrong, but it sure feels right. Or may be I’m just enjoying doing the “wrong” thing. It is hard to decide, or even to find a clue as to what I “should” do. Even if someone provides me the answer, am I someone who would listen? Sometimes I feel like taking a stand, but sometimes I just feel like going with the flow. Sometimes the will to actually take a decision seems like too much of a task.

Actually, I think I’m just enjoying the break from the usual. The hush-hush aspect fills me with happiness…oddly enough. End of the day, it is making me smile, it is making me happy. But I also know that this won’t last forever; it is such a short thing. Now this aspect makes me really sad…even the thought of it. What can I say…the good things in life do not last forever… ;)

I wonder if these battles find me or I find them. Life has never been peaceful, but these battles just create huge ripples; big enough to force me to pen down my thoughts!