Sunday, August 22, 2010

How many times does it happen that the fine line between right and wrong seems to fade out? Well, I’m face-to-face with a grey area now. Although I know it is “conventionally” wrong, but it sure feels right. Or may be I’m just enjoying doing the “wrong” thing. It is hard to decide, or even to find a clue as to what I “should” do. Even if someone provides me the answer, am I someone who would listen? Sometimes I feel like taking a stand, but sometimes I just feel like going with the flow. Sometimes the will to actually take a decision seems like too much of a task.

Actually, I think I’m just enjoying the break from the usual. The hush-hush aspect fills me with happiness…oddly enough. End of the day, it is making me smile, it is making me happy. But I also know that this won’t last forever; it is such a short thing. Now this aspect makes me really sad…even the thought of it. What can I say…the good things in life do not last forever… ;)

I wonder if these battles find me or I find them. Life has never been peaceful, but these battles just create huge ripples; big enough to force me to pen down my thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. If you are happy…. You are doing the right thing. You have already made the decision. Doing wrong on the other hand and knowingly leaving with it will take anybody far from being happy. Nothing is permanent but worrying about possible futures is futile. I hope whatever path comes your way, you walk through it keeping head high knowing what you are, who you are, and what are you doing there.
    God bless….. you with all the happiness of the world
